Prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate gland, by the way, well-the strong half of mankind. According to official statistics the disease, about 16% of all adult males. Doctors urologists you call the other numbers: not less than 35% of the male population of the country. The difference between the official estimates of the actual incidence of infection is very easily explained: the potential clients are simply not looking for medical help due to feelings of shame, fear, lack of time, lack of understanding of the importance of the issue.
The inflammation of the prostate gland is now the leader in the group of men from the disease, transmitted primarily by sexually transmitted diseases. Complications, risk of infertility, diminished sex drive, impotence.
The symptoms of this prostatitis are not the only sensations of pain, disorders of urination, inflammation of the seed power. One of the most dangerous consequence of the implementation of the inflammation, it can become a cancer to the revival of the prostate gland. So, as of the time it is diagnosed with a pathological process to easily lock into place.
The cause of the inflammation
The risk of developing an inflammation of the prostate gland, it increases the guilt of a different predisposition to the disease in time:
- The forum, a one-time basis, or is related to the nature of the work in the open air.
- A sedentary lifestyle, resulting in a disturbance in the functioning of the digestive system.
- Chronic somatic disease (diabetes, hypertension).
- Focus in the focal, perifocal infection (rhinitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gastritis).
- The persistent IGO (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes).
- Stress, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Loss can increase the immunity in relation to carry over of the disease, and the operational intervention of the emotional stress.
- Bad-habits, leading to the development of intoxication: the alcohol, smoking and strong coffee.
- Occupational injury and perineum of the drivers of the car, sporty types, professionals and harmful productions in the actual painting.
- The indiscriminate sex life, which was interrupted, and the act of sex, which is devoid of the sensual, sexual intercourse with incomplete ejaculation, absence of long-term proximity to, a lower need for sperm, it leads to stagnation in the gland).
- A sexually transmitted disease.
Even though there are a large number of challenging moments, at the core of prostatitis is a stagnation in the inside of the body on the bottom stopped the movement, and the output of "life".

Trendy, the urinary system, is there not a sort of disease. Practitioners, however, prefer the option of classification of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland:
- The production of the disease:
- Prostatitis acute. For more than 50% of all cases of the disease in people, and no more than 30 to 35 years of age.
- The chronicles of an option. It is considered to be nevozmozhnoe category. Not too long ago is the impetus for the development of and serves as the common cold, and infection.
- For one reason or another that has caused the condition:
- The inflammation is bacterial in the prostate gland, it is in a man and 40 years old, is in the middle of the IGO, it is not beyond the bounds of his authority.
- Non-bacterial the pathological changes in the iron, especially the chronic to the chain.
- Viral is an inflammation of the prostate gland, it is characterized by it's sharp stream, affecting the whole sphere of sex.
- The nature of the structural changes in the prostate:
- The fibrous prostatitis is a rapid, irreversible growth in the breast, and it needs to be radical action. Clinically, it resembles the adenoma of the prostate gland.
- Calculous inflammation of the prostate gland that occurs due to the formation of stones in the prostate gland. It is considered as a pre-cursor to cancer.
- Of stagnant prostatitis, is the result of an inactive lifestyle, it is diagnosed in every second patient.
The signs of the disease
If men and women discover themselves in at least two of the following symptoms for prostatitis, you should seek a qualified professional:
- The disorder of urination, the appearance of intermittent stream, weak urine remarkably easy to reach, call, cap, difficulty, and pain prior to urination. Frequent urges to is the emptying of the urinary bladder occurring primarily in the evening.
- The pain is located in the lower part of the abdomen, radiating into the scrotum, perineum, and rectum.
- Loss of sexual desire.
- Problems with premature ejaculation, the change in the sperm (for consistency, amount).
Prostatitis, acute
The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature (to 40 degrees), then the excruciating pain of the head, and sick of a fever. Did the symptoms they are accompanied by an armbar syndrome of the thigh, groin, lower back, pus, urethral, frequent urination, and a permanent impulse to it.
The deflation of the balloon occurs with a delay, and a burning sensation. Your own urine is cloudy, it can get the impurity in the blood. It occurs irritability, rapid onset of fatigue.
The result of prostatitis, acute may be the complete definition of the process (when it is in a timely manner for the development of treatment). Because of the changes that are occurring in many of the pelvic organs, can not let you follow your progress, otherwise, it will occur, and corresponding complications:
- Vesiculitis – an inflammation of the seminal vesicles, the reason for the appearance of pus in the semen, which will not only reduce the quality of the ejaculate, but it leads to a loss of the function of reproduction.
- Colliculi – inflammatory changes in the seed, the tubercle becomes the reason for the development of a strong starting point for the pain from the syndrome, while in the act of sex, the disruption of an orgasm, impotence is psychological in nature.
- The formation of abscesses in the body of the prostate, the difference is, the purulent defeat of the rectum, it leads to an exacerbation of the symptoms, the powerful intoxication of the organism, and even death.
- The stagnation in the tissues of the prostate gland, leading to a change in its structure, and the breach of the nerve supply the blood supply of the breast and the surrounding organs, in violation of their duties. The erection becomes insufficient for full sexual intercourse, you can experience premature ejaculation in the long term, the act of sex without an orgasm.
- Cicatricial changes in the seed and the cord may cause infertility, a decrease in the quality and composition of sperm, motility of sperm cells. The narrowing of the urethra, prevents the normal process of passing urine, obstruction of the bladder neck can cause urinary retention is acute, it requires surgical assistance in an emergency.
Chronic prostatitis
The main feature of the disease is the blurring of clinical signs, prolonged and persistent throughout the process. Most often, the chronic form occurs in an independent way, as the pathology is in the midst of the economic stagnation of the blood in the vessels (prostatosis), abacterial prostatitis.
The main symptoms of chronic prostatitis are considered to be:
- fever;
- the pain occur on the scrotum, the perineum, the anus, to the back;
- violation of urination;
- the mucous or mucous-purulent secretion in the rectum, urethra, and even in the absence of passing urine, or defecation;
- to a violation erectile function, premature ejaculation, painful, broken, to the act of sexual intercourse, in the course of time limits in sexual intercourse without the sense of accomplishment.
- The infertility is the result of a chronic inflammation in the seed of the cable, the blisters, however, your attachments.
- Cystitis, pyelonephritis (and other diseases of the urinary system) – a result of hematogenous, and the mechanics of the spread of germs.
- In the sepsis.
- A sharp decrease in it can increase the immunity.
- Untreated prostatitis is in the 35% to 40% of the cases, it can cause cancer.
The diagnosis
The clinical presentation of the disease is, therefore, a diagnosis does not cause difficulties. He puts up with a urologist, based on the case history, inspection of the patient, at the very least in the laboratory, using the most advanced technology in medical devices:
- For the exam, rectal, breast, taking the secret of the study (first stage, with the definition of sensitivity to antibiotics).
- User account control (UAC, OAM, the planting of the urine.
- A touch on the sexually transmitted diseases, IGO for the study.
- Daily monitoring of the pace of the urine for the measurement of the speed of urination (uroflowmetry).
- The differential diagnosis is performing the ultrasound, or TRUS.
- When you need to remove the cancer of them charge a small pass urography, determine the DOG, an antigen specific to prostate.
- For the diagnosis of infertility is given in a semen analysis – the analysis of the ejaculate in order to determine the fertility of a man's.
Based on the results of the investigation of the patient is compiled by a private service of an integrated framework for the treatment of prostatitis. Prescription drugs take into account the form of the condition, and the presence of co-morbidities. The decision about where to conduct therapy, (in-hospital or out-patient) agree to the with your doctor. The treatment is thought to the construction of the laboratory in control of the outcome.
One of the most advanced centers for the treatment of prostatitis is clinical GATEKEEPER "like Mother, like Son." Because of the problem of infertility is closely related to the inflammatory urological diseases, and the professionals providing it. problem is, a lot of attention to it.
Clinics in Mother and child," each and every patient, you have the opportunity to go through one complete cycle of a particular investigation in order to obtain emotional support, explaining and talking points accordingly, drugs of the latest generation are used in this area, and to get to know the latest techniques for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland. This is not the last place in the integrated system for the therapy of prostatitis takes up the issue of effective rehabilitation of the patient, for a check-up regularly, to prevent them.
The treatment of prostatitis
Prostatitis acute, it requires a special way of diet, sexual intercourse, and of peace.
Methods course structure the treatment:
- By far the most effective in the treatment of prostatitis is a causal therapy. If, on the basis of a prostatitis, an infection, which is a priority course of anti-microbial agents of the funds, which will reduce the manifestations of inflammation.
- Pain is caused in the cut, analgesics, antispasmodics, rectal candle, unique, good solutions to pain-killers. The use of NSAIDS.
- Have proven to be effective Immunostimulants, immune modulators, enzymes, vitamin complexes, a combination of micronutrients.
- Physical therapy methods is possible only at the phase of sub-acute disease. They improve micro-circulation, increase the, can increase, the challenge, UHF, MICROWAVE, dishwasher, electrophoresis, laser therapy, magnetic.
- Massage is another effective way to impact the prostate gland. It will open products, to normalize the flow of blood to the organs of the scrotum, of the pelvis.
- A serious delay in the filtered out of the kidneys can be set by the imt, by traganou cystostomy.
- Purulent process involves a surgical procedure.
- Consultations with a psychologist.
For the treatment of chronic prostatitis
In the long-term change (at least once a month, the impact on the prostate gland, the 100% guaranteed cure, don't. The top priority for the herbal drugs and immunocorrection, the change in the habits of the household:
- Herbal medications (for example, Likoprofit) is common in urologic practice. They are able to accumulate, in an active process of the disease, and to protect the cells against the oxidation and the output of oxygen-free radicals, can prevent the swelling of the tissue of the gland.
- The therapy is adjusted individually, based on the sensitivity of the germs to the medication.
- Drugs that boost the it can increase the immunity, which will not only help you deal with a prostatitis, and they are still adjusting to the effects of harsh antibiotics, which is in violation of the function of the immune system.
- The pain caused in the fitted assignment of the alpha-adrenergic blockers, a muscle relaxant.
- The massage of the prostate gland, makes it possible to remove it mechanically, "the excess of" the secret of the breast, through the urethra, in order to improve the circulation of blood, minimizing the stagnation of the phenomenon.
- Physical therapy: laser, magnet, ultrasound, iontophoresis, baths, hot microclysters with natural herbs.
- In severe cases, is shown for the intravenous administration of water-with the water pills (diuretics). It encourages the allocation of copious urine, profilaktirujut the symptoms of poisoning, in ascending cystitis from pyelonephritis.
- With constipation and to practice some of the fruits that are laxative-based products.
- The urologist, a psychologist, in conjunction with the patient, having developed, private in the long-time limits of the program of the day, have a rest, and diet, dosed physical exertion, sexual activity.
- In the case of the resistance in the chronic process, in the course of the therapy, and the blocking of the exit of the urine, is prescribed for the surgery: removal of the damaged tissue (transurethral resection of the prostate), or the complete removal of the breast, or other tissue (prostatectomy). Applied in exceptional cases, the full-of-the-impotence, loss of bladder control. People don't go for the operation because this can lead to problems.
To prevent the occurrence of evil to the men of the disease, you need to resolve the triggers, and accomplish simple rules:
- To lead a healthier life, quit the bad habits.
- Do Not SuperCool.
- Drink at least 1.5-2 litres of water a day.
- To strengthen it can boost the immunity of many to travel on foot, cool.
- The practice of physical exercises and sports, join clubs, and fitness.
- To avoid stressful situations.
- Practice at a regular sexual life with a permanent partner.
- Regular basis to be monitored by a urologist.