The primary method used to help prevent the development of prostatitis is its prevention. All the experts agree that the most common cause of prostatitis – decreased immunity, and chronic sources of infection in the body. However, the power of all men and women and to minimize the factors that can cause inflammation in the body. First of all, it is important for the stronger sex over the age of 50. Released a disease, it will bring in a whole bunch of problems: long-term, serious complications and many times, it's a problem in your private life, as well as prostatitis can lead to a breach of an erection.
The general prevention activities are divided into the following two types:
- In the primary school. The goal is to prevent the development of an inflammatory process.
- The secondary section. Developed to meet the needs of patients, have been subject to the disease. Goal is to prevent transition to a chronic phase.
Measures for prevention of the disease, which include:
- Physical activity: walking, jogging, skating, tennis, cycling, ski storage.
- Moreover, the stimulus to the muscles of the pelvis: squatting, Kegel exercises, mahi feet, and the "bicycle".
- The diet, which will lead to a limitation of sharp, salty, and at the same time, which includes foods, which are rich in vitamins and trace elements.
- The rejection of tobacco use.
- A Regular sex life. The nature and frequency of the sex life have a direct effect on the state of the body. However, it is worth noting that, in the promiscuous, that sex is a source of infection. Various perversions of sex, a long period of abstinence, intentionally, timing of delivery and the interruption of the sex act, various sexual perversions – of the factors that have a negative impact on the state of the body. The regular sex with a steady partner is the ideal for the prevention of prostatitis.
- To avoid a situation in which the excitation will not result in the sexual intercourse.
- The refusal of the same sex, as a form of birth control is ineffective and harmful.
The main components of disease prevention

Take care of your health, you should continue throughout your entire life. The preventive measures suggested for the implementation of the activities easier.
- The training of the muscles. The passive life-style, which causes the muscles to lose their elasticity. This ends up leading to swelling in the body.
- Tours. When you walk in that occurs in the massage of the prostate gland. This will have a positive effect on the state of the body. In addition to this, all the trips to the open air, are conducive to the overall health.
- As a massage. An important tool for the prevention of the professional massage of your lower back. To accomplish it, you need a minimum of four times per year.
- With the proper diet. Proper nutrition is an important component in the prevention of prostatitis. You should completely exclude from the diet of salty, sour, smoked, and increasing the consumption of vegetables, cereals and fruits.
- For the avoidance of hyperthermia. To prevent the development of inflammation, you need to dress up for the season.
- A regular visit to the doctor. As prevention, you should go for the exam, a urologist at least twice a year.
Comply with these simple steps of prevention will help to preserve the health of the man and the nation.
Having sex when prostatitis

In addition to exercise, massage and medication, the prevention of prostatitis it also includes an important feature ‒ a full sex life.
- Of the patients with prostatitis, you need to take in the regulation of intimate life have been proven to be of a permanent partner.
- Completed sexual contact you want to delete, and t. to. this can lead to the stagnation of the secret.
- In the absence of a regular partner, did not use a barrier method of contraception.
Exercises at home
The passive life-style, it becomes the reason for stagnation of the blood in the pelvis, and it leads to a deterioration of the blood circulation. You need to include in your daily routine is a simple exercise.
They recommend in particular:
- Classes, badminton and table tennis.
- "The production line" gym enables the blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
- Walking, hiking, exercise in the morning and in the racing world.

The gym is in the house – the easiest way to maintain your health in good condition. Physical light can run on any man's
Physical activity has a positive effect on the body, however, there are certain exercises for the prostate gland.
Approximate set of exercises for the prostate gland:
- To stretch the muscles of the perineum, and trying to attract their attention in the right. This is an exercise, to repeat the least three times in a row. In the "the Botom" position to remain for about three seconds.
- To stretch the muscles of your perineum as if you were trying to stop urinating. This year, during the day, the 200 boardings of not less than four times.
- You relax and tighten the muscle group for the intimate zone, alternately slowing down and speeding up of the pace.
- Do relaxation exercises — squeezing of the anus.
- In the morning, on foot, in a sense," to stretch all of the muscle groups and then relaxing.
- Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly the superficial back squat, kneel down, when the dilute side. Repeat at least ten times.
- Step into a place, highly lifting knees.
- Lie down on the floor. To do the exercise "bicycle", even on the buttocks calves or you don't, you will feel a pleasant fatigue.
- You can get started with your abs, doing 5 to 10 a day, and gradually increase the number of sit-ups.
- "Walk in rear". Sit on the floor and try to "appear" on the bottom. Do this exercise for 5 minutes a day.
The recipes of the grandmother, when to the prevention

Of proven recipes, the folk pass from generation to generation, and, therefore, can be used for the treatment or prevention of.
Folk remedies, many of the years that are used for the prevention of the disease:
- Ivan-tea in the amount of two tablespoons of broth, pour in half a pint of boiling water and insist for about five minutes, then drain in a colander. Drinking on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening 30 minutes before dinner).
- The foundation, in the amount of two tablespoons, pour 700 ml of hot water, boil on a small fire, and the grain of the soft steel. Strain and add 50 ml of fresh juice of parsley. Drink 100 ml).
- Lost in a meat grinder kg of seed and about the same number of cores of a walnut. Every day, in the morning, eat a bite at the fine grater for the onions and about a tablespoon of the mixture, the sunflower seeds, and walnuts.
- The green husks from the nuts, stress in the form of juice and drink it empty stomach in the morning. The bark, chop, take out two tablespoons of the mixture and pour half a liter of boiling water. Close it, and insist the whole night. Take it in the morning, and 1 tsp. Pharmaceutical composition and store it in a cool place. The broth to drink till he is not going to end up with.
- The eating of the 25 seeds from the pumpkin that are consumed every day, half an hour before a meal.
- It in the honey, and the honey is one of the best drugs for the prevention of the disease.
The well-being of the stimulation of the breast. Enough to want to spend some time on the prevention of the development of the pathology, and you're going to forget about it. Regardless of the massage treatment will bring you relief. Of massage therapy, the body will return to normal operation when the
- It improves the circulation of the blood; and the amount of nutrients in the increase.
- The level of testosterone, which is responsible for the operation of a normal erection, it increases.
- The muscles in the groin area increases, the standard work-setters of the pipeline.
Pharmacy prevention

- Medication for inflammation in the body. The pills you're prescribed, and when it is acute and during the chronic stage of prostatitis. The drug can improve the metabolism of the body, it will reduce the swelling of the tissues. Anesthetic – analgesic drugs relieve pain in the area of the scrotum and the lower part of the abdomen.
- Antimicrobial pills will prevent the spread of bacteria and germs. Do not apply to the treatment of a prostatitis infection. Drugs to stimulate to the increase of the resources for the protection of the body. As a general rule, it is a means of animal or plant life or health.
For the treatment of prostate recommend the use of dietary supplements, because they have to have a minimum of contra-indications. These drugs can restore, the job of the urinary system, to facilitate the urine, and stimulate the blood circulation in the prostate.
The prevention of prostatitis – the bond of men's health for years to come, but it's the self-confidence, good humor, a sense of accomplishment. It is the promise of a long life and a happy life. To your health, just your group!