Prostatitis male disease, in which the representatives of the stronger sex that occurs in the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, leading to the emergence of a number of unpleasant symptoms. This gland is located in the body and of the representative of the stronger sex under the bladder. As the symptoms of prostatitis people express the pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, and also in the groin area. When there is a violation of urination the same urges with. When you buy a man feels the pain. The prostate is a uniquely male organ.

Often it is enough when the prostatitis, the patient is diagnosed is also urethritis, vesiculitis. If the patient is elderly, it is a parallel that can take place is also needed for the thesis.
The prostate gland produces the liquid oxygen which then becomes the basis for the secretary. The cause of the inflammation, and often become the yeast infection nature of trauma, subarrefecimento, problems with blood circulation in the pelvic organs, hormonal failure in the body's transition to sexual life. It is more common for males of different age groups is, however, more often the prostatitis that occurs in people who have not yet turned fifty years of age or older.
Types of prostatitis
The treatment for prostatitis varies depending on the type of disease, it has a place in the men's. Thus, the prostatitis bacterial , may occur as an acute , in the same way as a chronic disease. Many times it is called, also non-bacterial prostatitis, and it all flowed like a chronic disease. This type of prostatitis is also known as the syndrome of chronic pelvic pain. The patient is observed for all the characteristics for the prostatitis symptoms, but a secret of a prostate are missing in the bacteria.
For sharp prostatitis-bacterial that is characteristic of rapid development. A Man suffering from pain, there are signs of overall toxicity. Far less obvious symptoms of the chronic form of the disease. In this case, the disease manifests itself in a gradual manner.
The Cause of prostatitis
The development of prostatitis, promotes a wide variety of reasons that are right. Many a times, symptoms of prostatitis, manifested in the men who lead irregular sexual life, often hypothermia and injury. In addition, the prostatitis can develop as a result of the reduction of the it can increase the immunity of the loss of the circulation of the blood and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs of men, as a result of the failure of the hormonal, they cause a certain level of androgynous insufficiency. An important factor that contributes to the manifestation of prostatitis, is also considered to be a number of infections that are transmitted sexually.
In addition, the symptoms of prostatitis, often arise in the midst of the availability of the patient to certain barriers at the exit of the urinary bladder (stones, tumors, and t. p.).
The development of prostatitis-bacterial, in about 80% of the case causes the e. coli in all other cases, the infectious agent of that disease and become other bacteria. An additional factor that contributes to the disease, and the fact that you, as a fertile ground for the development of bacteria that use up the juice and prostate. The entry of bacteria into the prostate by way of blood, from the urethra, they can enter into the prostate through the lymph.
The symptoms of prostatitis
The symptoms of prostatitis are acute is manifested in a sharp increase in the temperature. The patient suffers from chills, he's got a pain of the loins, are manifested by joint and muscle pain. Into the groin of the man, one feels a certain uneasiness, and a sense of neharatarnoga from the heat. There may occur a swelling of the prostate gland increases in size. FrequentestXia urges to pass urine, the urine of the patient, mutelet. Over time, when it comes to why it occurs, the pain becomes more intense, and with intense pressure on the prostate gland. Later, the common symptoms of prostatitis acute, added to the pain in the lower back and genital area. At times, the pain can spread to other areas of the body. A patient complains of one that was created before you dig in to increase the life of maceyspuscany in the urine of your cause of pain, and a burning sensation.
Chronic prostatitis, with nature, and many times, it is usually asymptomatic, but can lead to the appearance of a man, and all the signs of a urinary tract infections can occur as a complication of the disease. In addition, in this case, you may be able to experience any of the following symptoms of prostatitis: pain with ejaculation, presence of blood in the sperm, and the constant appearance of a discharge from the urethra. Perhaps it is the onset of pain in the area between the anus and the scrotum. Later on, the man may be suffering from loss of sexual desire, which occurs due to the symptoms that have been described.
The diagnosis of prostatitis

For the correct establishment of the diagnosis, it is important to arrive at a diagnosis of prostatitis of the complex on board. First of all, a specialist in conducting a survey and physical examination of the patient. The doctor produces a digital rectal exam (dre study, which sets out some of the common symptoms of prostatitis – pain and swelling of the prostate gland.
Driven with the data that you collect, it makes the decision on the allocation of a patient in the first stage of the urine, for the purpose of determining the cause of the infection. To obtain accurate and reliable results, it is compared in terms of the cultures in the three urine samples. This is done in the analysis of the urine collected at the beginning of urination, in the middle of a piece, and they are reviewed in a national team, have been achieved during the massage of the prostate after urination.
In order to avoid errors in diagnosis of prostatitis, it is important to exclude any of the disease symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of prostatitis. It is the appendicitis, cystitis, prostate cancer, urinary incontinence, benign prostatic hyperplasia, palonemyt.
Also, there is an analysis of the blood results, that is, if prostatitis is to be celebrated, the increase in the number of white blood cells in the blood and an increase in the speed of sedimentation of red blood cells. In addition, if necessary, the patient is assigned, and the advanced methods of research and transrectal ultrasound of the prostate and the surrounding organs, computed tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging the pet scan.
The treatment of prostatitis
The treatment of prostatitis, includes the course of medical follow-up of maintenance treatment. The surgery is done, in this case, the effect of the exchange rate of conservative treatment has been unsatisfactory.
In the treatment of prostatitis acute, it is important for the immediate implementation of the treatment is anti-bacterial. More often than not, the doctor assigns to the patient receiving trimethoprim-sulfate detoxazole, tetracycline, a fluoroquinolone. In the case of the manifestations of prostatitis as a result of a sexually transmitted disease the treatment will also include a reception ZEFtRexona, doxycycline , and Dr.
In the process of therapy and support, it is important to look at the gentle treatment, preferably pOStelny. It should be in the present, plenty of hydration, and includes, at a minimum, drink eight glasses of water per day. The patient may take pain relievers, to the tool of antipyretic effect. Maybe the regular application for the treatment of prostatitis, sitting in the sun. The acute bacterial prostatitis after an adequate treatment, the patient is completely cured. Rarely, it can be complications: sometimes due to prostatitis are acute in men may develop in the abscess , or fistula of the prostate gland.
If a person is in a place, of chronic prostatitis, you should go through a course of massage of a prostate, which makes it much easier for the general health of the patient. When nãobacteriana prostatitis to ease the symptoms can be used for long-acting drugs and analgesics. To get rid of the constant chronic pain in the region of the prostate gland, the treatment is necessary for alpha-blockers, and muscle relaxants. Introduction analgesics patient practiced with a view to resolving the spasm of the bladder. Many times, they are assigned to the physical therapy methods that are aimed at the stimulation of the nerve endings in the prostate gland and the tissue around it. Kind of like a method of therapy, it is recommended that periodic masturbation, which helps protect against the appearance of swelling in the tissue of the prostate gland.
When the inefficacy of all the methods in the above-mentioned treatment, the physician takes a decision about the need for surgical intervention. In this case, it is the transurethral resection of the prostate. Sometimes the patient is given to the implementation of a-prostatectomy – for-action, in which the prostate gland and the tissue is completely removed. After this operation, the person may develop impotence and urinary incontinence.
The treatment of prostatitis interactions with the media
The treatment for prostatitis: acute, in one form, this is done by using antimicrobials. In order to achieve maximum results from the therapy, you should choose the scheme that is right for their admission to, and do not stop your treatment with a course of antibiotics. Over time, the acquisition of these drugs is needed in the chronic prostatitis at times, the treatment lasts for up to three months. In addition to this, the treatment involves the ingestion of a immunomodulatory drug. For a notice of a recurrence of the disease, it is important to follow to the letter all the provisions of the by your doctor. When you do this, and that is the consumption of alcohol and the sharp, hypothermia, and other factors that may result in a relapse of the disease. Even though the stressful situation may have a negative effect.
In addition to the medicines from prostatitis, in the course of therapy, and often apply the methods of physical therapy. In addition, prostatitis and are treated with a laser, effectively, regeneration of tissue, ultra-sound, consistent, magnetic field, ozone therapy, and Dr.
The treatment of prostatitis in the home

In the process of the therapy of the diseases of animals and application of the parallel treatment of prostatitis in the home.
Also, in most of the time explaining and talking points for the inflammation of the prostate gland, the healers were using regular seeds in a pumpkin. The fact is that the seeds of the pumpkin contain a lot of zinc, it is the sv, which is a must-have for every male body-regardless of your age.
There are, however, a form of treatment of a prostatitis by means of seeds in the pumpkin. It is necessary to clean the bark from some of the genre-half pounds of seed and the month of them into a meat grinder. Keep in mind that this is a type of medicine for prostatitis, it will only be effective if it is used with raw pumpkin seeds. In the resulting mass is added to the honey – 200 grams. The solution should be well mixed and trendy, with a sort of ball-candy-about the size of a walnut. These therapies sweets should be stored in a cool place. There's the balls you need before a meal or two each day.
For the treatment of prostatitis folk media is also used to sokoterapiya. The use of large quantities of fresh juice boosts the placement of a body of men with gout, the absorption of which muscle often becomes the cause of diseases of the prostate gland. For this purpose, a suitable fresh carrot juice, mixed with fruit juices asparagus, cucumber and beet root.
Another useful for men to drink the juice of the berries of the black elderberry. He needs to drink it in the morning, before breakfast, with a spoonful of the soup. Drink the juice, you need a minimum of ten days. In the process of treating fruit juices, the patient may want to go up to the room temperature. This is a normal process, too, that the therapy works.
The shells of the nuts, it can also help those who are suffering from prostatitis. For this reason, you need to take in the fresh shells with a needle, and boil it. To prepare the broth, chopped the peel of the chestnuts, pour in the boiling water and insist. Extraction to use it instead of tea. It is also possible to apply this juice to the enema.

Grass, hemlock, and celandine are suitable for the preparation of tinctures for the treatment of prostatitis. However, you should be aware that the hemlock is a dovit on the grass. The one-half of a tablespoon of both herbs, you have to fill in 100 g of ethanol. The dye of preparation for ten days in a dark place, after which the filter paper. Drinking an infusion of it needs in the morning, 30 minutes prior to ingestion of the food. For this reason, a small amount of water or milk will need to be added on the first day of a gout medication. The next day, the number drops to two, and the t. d. that is, on the thirtieth day, and the man uses-and-thirty drops of the infusion. Next, the count must be in the wrong order, and on the sixtieth day of treatment, the patient returns to the drop of the infusion.
Also, in your home, you can prepare a decoction of the herb yarrow, leaves of a birch, and ttoloknyanki common. A mixture of herbs, pour boiling water and insist. After you strain it, it consumed before a meal or two spoonfuls of the soup.
The treatment of prostatitis and candles
A very good to combat inflammatory processes, is considered a honey. For the preparation of a tool which is applied for the treatment of it, you will need 200 ml of pure alcohol Liparitü 40 grams of honey. When you extract the honey you will be ready to go, about 0.1 g / l of extract mixed with 2 g of cocoa butter. To this mixture, you will need to be formed in the shape of a candle, and in the evening on the right. This treatment continues every day for a month. For about a month and a half, of course, you can return to again and again. The honey can also be taken orally to do this, use the 20%-ing Speertovuu a tincture of propolis. 40 drops of this dye are dissolved in 100 g of water. This kind of medicine is prostatitis take in the course of forty-five days prior to the meal. You can also follow the progress of the treatment of the flowers with pollen, which they use for a dutilizadortNoé a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening, half an hour before a meal.
For the other types of candles take three tablespoons of rye flour, to which add a teaspoon of raw eggs and honey. From the solution to make a uniform mass, from which they are formed, the plugs, the components having a diameter of about an inch. The candles need to put it in the freezer. They stick to the back of the pass at night and in the morning. The treatment has a duration of four weeks and, if necessary, repeat after a week.