The most common is a condition which occurs in the stronger sex who are over the age of 30 years, and is considered to be prostatitis. This condition can cause intense pain of a man, accompanied by a violation of the normal procedure of urination, and, when serious, cause of erectile dysfunction in men and is a serious problem in your relationship with your partner.
In order to avoid these undesirable effects, it is recommended that when there is one of the first symptoms to see a specialist and start right away for the treatment of prostatitis.
They are committed to the most effective methods for the treatment of this disease, which include: the use of antibacterials-of-funds, the treatment of prostatitis herbs, making dressings, in the gym, on the run massage, rectal, tonirovanie, and the implementation of appropriate preventive measures.
To get the maximum results, the treatment lets you the most new methods, the impact of the shock wave (STRINGS).
In this article, we will describe it in detail to you about the methods to struggle with prostatitis, you will get acquainted with their forms, characteristics and causes of the occurrence of the two issues. We hope that the information below will help you to make the right decisions about the prevention and control of the disease.
What is prostatitis?
Prostatitis is a common disease among the representatives of the male sex and is characterized by an inflammation of the prostate gland is located just below the bladder.
The characteristic sign of this disease is considered pain that is caused, is emerging in the area of the groin, lower back or in the lower part of the belly. Simultaneously, disturbed urinary system process, and during ejaculation, it also appears the feeling of pain.
In addition to this, the condition can be displayed, vesiculitis, adenoma of the prostate gland or an inflammation of the urethra.
The number of things that can cause that is similar to the pathology, it refers to violation of hormonal processes in the body, hypothermia, bacterial infection, weaknesses in the system of the circulation of the blood in the pelvic area, injury, transition and sexual life.
In the at-risk group most commonly fall into men younger than the age of 50 years.
Types of prostatitis

The treatment of prostatitis is chosen depending on the form of the disease. For example, one form of the disease, it can also be used as chronic, and severe. For a non-bacterial inflammation of the prostate gland, characteristic of the chronic seepage of water. In patients with this pathology are found in all of the symptoms of the disease, and the presence of bacteria on the secret.
When an acute infection of the prostatitis that occurs in the rapid build up of pain in the context of toxicity from your body. Of chronic prostatitis are less expressed symptoms, and treatment is , in this case, it loads the character is a little bit different.
And, if the disease is acute, it is possible to see a full recovery of the patient after the treatment of the chronic prostatitis may experience setbacks. It should also be remembered for the completion of the processing of the events in the house.
It should be noted that the disease is non-communicable character of the common in men between the ages of 35 to 45 years old, and may manifest itself when it is exposed to urine in the prostate gland.
When men and women are diagnosed as prostatitis, acute, the treatment must be accompanied by the required purchase of antibacterial drugs. Chronic, non-communicable form of the disease, the use of antibiotics, it may not give you the results that you want.
The cause of prostatitis
As I said earlier, the list of reasons that lead to the inflammation of the prostate gland, it may be one of the most versatile. However, most often, prostatitis is diagnosed in the stronger sex, which lead to the irregular private life, and exposed to the factors of heat. Also, the disease can occur in the middle of the lesions of the genital organs, and the weakening of the immune system defense of the body, disturbances of the blood circulation in the pelvic area, and due to the hormonal changes.
Another important reason that causes the disease of the prostate gland, it is the infection of the infection during unprotected sexual intercourse. In some cases, the signs of the disease occur in people with malignant tumours, or renal stone disease.
In 80% of cases, and the emergence of a form of the disease, linking it with the presence of e. coli and other infections. In addition, the incidence of reported cases of stalling can be related to lack of the circulation of the blood in the tissues of the prostate gland, which, owing to the predominance of smaller vessels in the area.
The first warning signs and symptoms of prostatitis men's

During the acute phase of prostatitis, the patient should be celebrated for the steep rise in the temperature of the body, the onset of pain in the lower back pain that is caused, and cold flashes with goose bumps at the joints and the muscles. Too many people, there may be an increase in the size of the prostate gland, and the occurrence of reports of discomfort in the groin area. An increase in the frequency of urination, and cloudiness of the urine, it also refers to the alarming number of factors.
Gradually, the intensity of the pain increases, which most often manifests itself during the pressure on the prostate gland. To the extent that the development of the illness above, the focus is on added to the pain in my penis and in my lower back. In some situations, you may get discomfort in other areas of the body, as well as a feeling of burning sensation throughout the urethra in the process.
The acute stages of the disease, accompanied by intoxication syndrome. Sometimes, in the midst of a local inflammatory process, there may develop a suppurative-septic is a disease that affects the blood. In this case, the man must be urgently admitted to hospital: on the treatment of prostatitis , when recommendations must be carried out in the clinic.
When a chronic prostatitis of a bacterial nature, and often lacking in the symptoms, and the need for treatment occurs only after the detection of the infection in the urinary tract, which is in the midst of the complications of the disease. When you do this, you may experience a sensation of pain in the time period of ejaculation, the appearance of blood in the ejaculate, and the presence of a urethral discharge. Also, due to these symptoms, men may also develop erectile dysfunction.
Diagnosis — how to determine prostatitis?

Built-in diagnostics of the disease is considered to be a key need for the diagnosis. The one requirement is that the implementation of the inspection by the patient and the collecting of the story. In order to identify the swelling and pain in the region of the prostate, the doctor performs palpation of the wall of the rectum.
On the basis of the information which it makes a conclusion about the need for the establishment of a seed sown in the urine, which makes it possible to identify the exact causes for the infection. To obtain the most reliable results are compared with three test sample is urine obtained from the commencement of the urethra of the process, but on average it is a party; " allocation that is collected during massage of the prostate after successful completion of the process of urination. The treatment of prostatitis in men is considered to be necessary when the detection of a large number of them.
The purpose of the exception error for the diagnosis of this condition, it is necessary to acknowledge the fact that, due to the lack of a patient's disease, such as inflammation of the appendix, the condition of the prostate gland, inflammatory processes in the bladder and kidneys, hypertrophy of the prostate, and the uncontrolled allocation of the urine.
Also, the patient is advised to take a blood test, in order to pass the magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography), and ultrasound of the prostate and nearby organs.
If it is possible in sexual intimacy when a prostatitis?
Stop the practice of sex-it is recommended only if the disease is caused by a sexually transmitted infection because it is present, the probability of infection of the partner.
If you have a place in the chronic form of the illness, sexual intimacy is considered to be a valid, and even helpful, but in the process, it is possible to minimize the stagnating processes in the pelvic area.
However, in chronic prostatitis, in men, may be in need of a serious treatment, as well as a lot of the times with premature ejaculation and the inability to commit a sexual act. In this situation, the experts advised the woman's to express understanding in a relationship with a partner, and to render the necessary moral support during their stay in them for therapeutic procedures. This will also help you to avoid a lot of problems in personal relationships, and in the future.
The scheme of treatment of prostatitis: an efficient means of
Taking into account the above, we can state the following treatments, allowing you to get the most of the good-and-effect:
- The resolution of the signs of an infectious disease through the application of one of the special agents of anti-bacterial medication;
- The gain in the flow of life the local way. This will help you to eliminate the damaged cells, which are present in the area of the urethra and of the prostate gland. In turn, the removal of the "waste" of the tissues, creates a fertile ground for the recovery of the functional capacity of the affected organ;
- The gain in the flow of lymph fluid in the pelvic area. This will help to avoid the emergence of cases of stagnation in the future.
- The improvement in the muscle tone and vascular, that contribute to the more rapid abstraction of blood in veins of the pelvic organs.
In the next section, we will look at traditional and the most up-to-date methods for the treatment of prostatitis, which allow to implement the principles.
Drugs that are effective for the treatment of prostatitis
And then we're going to talk about the treatment of prostatitis , and to consider the most effective medicines that are used for this purpose. These include the following:
- Drugs for anti-bacterial. As a general rule, the reception of these drugs begins with "in the dark", due to the long periods of time and events of the play tests, for more than 7 days. In the early stages, the patient is advised to take out the agents, anti-bacterial, able to affect two of the most common causes of the infection. After receiving the results of medical tests, medicines, for the treatment of a prostatitis and an adenoma of a prostate gland, they may be identified individually;
- Medications, a quick stop to the pain that is caused and the lowering of the temperature of the body. Make for the symptoms of the disease;
- Alpha-blockers are, and the means of similar effect. Allow you to normalize muscle tone, eliminate the swelling in the region of the prostate and restore the urinary tract to process;
- The application of the salt solution, the effect of which is felt in the clearing the ideal on the body, and toxic (toxins).
It should be noted that if it is used with antibiotics when prostatitis of men , and give the special regime of treatment, and this will allow you to improve the condition of the patient. But, in the event of a breach in the flow of life, there is full cleansing of the tissues free of toxic substances in the region of the pelvis, which can lead to the likelihood of the occurrence of reports of a chronic form of the disease.
If you have a place, of chronic prostatitis in men, and it is assigned to a treatment involving the application of any of the following medications:
- In spite of the absence of an infection, they are also used in the means of action of anti-bacterial. In some cases, the study does not permit to diagnose the presence of bacteria, and for this reason it is recommended that, in advance, to take measures to prevent the occurrence of reports, and distribution.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are given the ability to stop the pain that is caused, to correct the inflammatory responses and to reduce the temperature of the body. However, in the case of its long-term application, the patient has a serious failure may occur in the functioning of the intestinal tract and other organ systems of the human body;
- An alpha-blocker. Allow you to normalize the urinary tract cases. Need to take a result, it is possible to achieve when using the drug levitra, in the periods up to six months.
The treatment of prostatitis massage, enlarged prostate

When men and women are diagnosed as prostatitis, then the treatment is involved not only in the purchase of the tablets, but the execution, particularly the rectal massage. This procedure is carried out with the help of the finger through the rectum. A few sympathetic relatives, to practice the treatment of prostatitis massage in your home. The experts do not recommend doing this, because in order to achieve the desired effect is to have a special attention to the coherence and direction of the massage movements. It says a lot about the feasibility of the implementation of these procedures only, the urologist at the first class.
In addition, the treatment of a prostatitis massage is an undesirable practice for all forms of the disease, which can lead to the rapid spread of the infectious process, to the onset of the different courses in the area of the prostate and of the colon, may cause urinary retention and lead to the development of dangerous processes in the system, genito-urinary tract.
Therefore, in the treatment of prostatitis massage, it is performed only when the disease is in the chronic stage. When you use the above method, it is possible to significantly improve the state of your prostate gland, that is, to deal with the stagnant phenomena in the area, and the yield of the purification setters of the duct".
As an alternative, for those of you who are interested in the treatment of prostatitis in the home, it can become a tonirovanie, in which, in the area to be affected, with the impact of the audio and the vibrations.
The number of the important benefits of vibroacoustic impact, include the following:
- In the absence of the need for the use of rectal massage, for a time, that is, the depth of penetration of sound micro-vibration can reach up to 10 cm long;
- The ability of treatment of a prostatitis of men , according to the method of the pets in the house;
- The possibility of an impact on the whole of the area of the pelvis, including the venous and lymphatic vessels;
- Improving absorbability of drugs.
More information about the use of the device for the treatment of prostatitis , we will talk about below.
The feasibility of the implementation of the actions in physical education

The need for additional therapy for a year if you are over the disease is due, primarily, to a desire to improve the venous and lymphatic systems-movement of a fluid. When an important process is the creation of tension in the muscles, that is, the biological micro-vibrations. It is said that in the complex treatment of prostatitis is impossible without the implementation of the actions in physical education.
For this purpose there are special running exercises in the gym, in order to strengthen the pelvic muscles, restoring the circulation of blood in the area, and to minimize stagnant process. Also, the patient is advised to do the day trips, swimming, and hiking.
When you do this, the most simple and effective they are based on the following method:
- By simulating the deflection of a cycling pedal. It is run on a daily basis, in the position "down";
- The mixing and creating of the foot is similar to the use of the scissors;
- The alternate tension and relaxation of the pelvic muscles (you need to keep you in a state of tension not less than 5 seconds);
- The use of the simulator, other;
- The application is a complex exercise Arnold Kegel, and t. d.
To achieve the best effect, which makes it possible to facilitate the mocheispuskanitelny the process of these exercises should be done regularly in a way. Also, for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis , it is recommended that you use a special coating on the simulator for wheel chairs. Levitra umtihipodDinamicheskie fixtures play a very important role for men as well, for a long time they are spending in the seated position. Through them it is possible to prevent the excess stress of the lower back muscles, and to avoid the stagnation of the process in the pelvis.
The field of physical therapy when the prostatitis

As I have said before, the basis of the procedures tonirovania, is the impact on the affected area of the audio, the vibrations of which are considered to be the same tone in the muscle the vibrations to a person who is involved in the process of physical stress.
In this case, it is used in an apparatus for the treatment of prostatitis, and that it has a positive impact on the following areas:
- The lymph node site. Helps improve the flow of lymph fluid. Remove it from the tissues, toxins, and damaged cells by eliminating the inflammatory process in the region. Such an effect is impossible to achieve when you have a prostatitis) in men , and in their treatment and medication;
- The us department of kidney is responsible for electrolyte balance in the blood. In the event of his recovery, it is possible to improve the ability of the muscles to reduce. In addition to this, it will help to normalize the muscle tone of the venous and restores the state of the setters of the duct of the prostate gland;
- In the area of the urinary bladder and the groin. Improves the blood flow to a certain area. In addition, when the vibraçõestMATIC therapy in this area, it significantly increases the efficiency of the use of the medication;
- The pain Crestcópia the department of the vertebral column. To improve the activation.
The important point is that there are no side effects of the procedure, as well as the ability to stay over the time limits will result.
Among the benefits of tonirovania, also you can be attributed to:
- The reduction in the intensity of the pain, or to complete the resolution.
- The recovery to normal urine;
- For the normalization of erectile function;
- The gain of sexual desire;
- The increase in the expectation of a sexual relationship;
- An increase in the exposure is used in some medicines.
STRINGS, when prostatitis are: a new approach to the treatment of prostatitis
Initially, the method was used for the crushing of stones in the kidneys. Currently, this method is carried out in the treatment of prostatitis and other diseases of the male genital.
The popularity of the treatment of prostatitis , by the acoustic waves, due to the positive effects:
- The ability to restore your metabolism and to the local level.
- The rapid clearance of the stagnation of research;
- Fight efficiently against inflammation;
- The ability to grind the salt konkretents;
- A solution of the starting point of the pain syndrome during urination.
In addition, the action of the instrument STRINGS on the treatment of prostatitis to remove the swelling in the area of the prostate gland, and the amelioration of the condition of the urinary system. As they say, patients who have had the time to test the impact of a device for the treatment of prostatitis, to relieve the pain, you can already after a few procedures, STRINGS. When you do this, you can experience a significant improvement in the output power.
Another important feature of the shock-wave-therapy-is one way to increase the supply of blood to the prostate gland, the way in which favorable affect the erectile function in men.
When you get to the do the trick, it is possible, due to the large penetration depth of acoustic waves into the affected tissue of up to 130 mm in diameter.
However, if you have a place in the prostate gland, and also to diagnose the symptoms , and the patient needs immediate treatment, at-home procedure that STRINGS are not put in place. It usually take place in clinical settings, with a frequency of one procedure per week, for up to 30 days.
It should be noted that, after the first few sessions of the STRINGS possible to a worsening of the inflammatory process, which happens after 2-3 procedures. As practice shows, the improvement of the health status of the patient, and the disappearance of seals in the area of the prostate gland can occur through 3-4 operation. This demonstrates the greater efficiency of this method.
The only downside of the the treatment of prostatitis , shock waves, is the price.
Prevention: how to prevent prostatitis?

To achieve the desired result of the preventive measures, the patient is in the first place, you must follow the rules of the close-of-care. Also, it is not advisable to undergo long-perekladdvisualizar. The important thing to remember is to maintain a healthy diet. And when it is appropriate to abandon the products causing chronic constipation, as it may hinder the blood circulation in the pelvic area.
No less important, is to stick to a regular routine, and completes the process of urinating. It is also desirable that you have regular intimate contact with their partner, in order to avoid the stagnation of the process and to contract a sexually transmitted disease. In addition to this, experts recommend that you do this with the dynamic of the exercise and the practice of physical exercise.
The annual visit to the urologist is an integral part of the lives of the men who are over the age of 30 years. The exemption of alcoholic beverages and heavy smoking of tobacco is a number of effective measures for the prevention of prostatitis.