Walls are treated at home - it's hard to disagree with this idea.
Whateverhospitaldeveloped, most people still need serious arguments to choose it from the walls of their home.
In this article we will discuss how to treatchronic prostatitisin men at home.
Can he be cured at home?
In most cases, prostatitis can be cured at home. There are a number of exceptions that make home treatmentdangerous. We will discuss it further. In any case, for sure, it is better to see a doctor.
If prostatitis treatment consists of medication use and therapeutic training, you definitely do not need to be in the hospital for this. It is not difficult to register for a physiotherapy course atoutpatient polyclinic.
Prostatitis treatment usually requiresfrom a monthtothree. At home, this is a normal period, the hospital for such a period of time without the need for urgency is clearly annoying.
In order not to causeexacerbation of prostatitiswith home treatment, you should:
- Eat right, diet.
- Forget alcohol, smoking, gambling and other stress-related activities during the treatment of prostatitis.
- Have sex with one partner regularly.
- Do not put your prostate at risk of injury.
- Don't be cold.
- Move as much as possible.
When should I see a doctor?
Mandatoryhospitalizationpatients with prostatitis are performed with the aim of:
- intravenous antibiotic course;
- surgery (for example, with an abscess).
The need for such treatment methods arises in the event of an increase or neglect of the disease, the danger of gettingcomplications.
Chronic prostatitis: home treatment
They run with the purpose of:
- elimination of congestion in the prostate, better muscle contraction in the pelvic area;
- increases blood flow to the prostate;
- pain relief;
- relieves inflammation and swelling of the prostate;
- restoration of glandular natural function.
This result is achieved by using a hardware procedure through the skin or mucous membranes of patients with prostatitis.
They are usually performedon an outpatient basis.
Apparatuscan also be purchased for individual retail use.
Elektroforesis. The device uses direct current properties to increase the speed and depth of drug penetration into the body tissues of patients with prostatitis.
Ultrasound transmitter. High frequency noise enhances metabolic processes, sexual desire, relieves prostate inflammation, removes scars, promotes recovery of damaged tissue, and treats injuries to the rectum.
Magnetic therapy devices act on the body of patients with prostatitis withmagnetic fields. Relieves inflammation, improves blood circulation, promotes tissue regrowth without side effects.
Medical lasersincrease endurance, prostate activity, and improve general condition. Therapy is carried out in the morning, this course is 15 times.
Electrostimulatorwith vibration while removing gland stagnation, continuing its secretion outflow.
Microclusers are used to inject prostatitis drugs into the rectum according to their purpose, as indicated in the instructions.
Healing,mud bathstreating prostatitis by heating the problem area, the action of beneficial substances contained in the fluid.
Physiotherapy is not used when:
- increased disease;
- presence of neoplasm;
- decompensation diabetes mellitus;
- active cough.
Prostate massageis a very effective part of complex prostatitis therapy. Although you can not call it pleasant.
With direct action with glove fingers, doctors relieve glandular muscle tension, gradually relieving edema.
From this, the patient's pain disappears, the lobe of the organ acquires the same size, and its function is restored.
There is an outflow of secretions and sperm that are trapped with harmful microflora.
Competent prostate massage will only be done byexpertswho wear special gloves, which must be called at home for this.
This organ is veryfragile, if you try to do the same action yourself (massage yourself) or with the help of an incompetent person, it can be seriously injured with the risk of blood poisoning.
To comply with all the rulesinfertilitymanual massage should be done on the outpatient or hospital basis.
In this case,IMPORTANTdoes not apply:
- gray is over;
- gloves are not sterile.
Massage contraindications:
- level of joy;
- calculus prostatitis (stones in the prostate).
If it is impossible to attend an outpatient, inpatient massage procedure, one should consider: an alternative for him (albeit modest) is one of the above physiotherapy procedures that can be done safely alone at home.Self-massage for prostatitis is unacceptable!
exercise therapy
Any exercise is useful for the prevention of prostatitis, starting with regular morning exercise. But special training has been developed specifically to fight prostatitis.
A set of Kegel exercises
Targetsto strengthen the perineum muscles. Getting to know it is simple: a man holds back the flow of urine while writing. The muscles (prostate muscles) that will function in this case, and must be trained.
Str. 1.Stretch and relax the prostate muscles one by one. The faster the better.
Str. 2.We tighten muscles, maintain tension for 4 seconds, relax smoothly.
Str. 3.Tightens muscles smoothly, as in bowel movements. Take a break.
In the first lesson, we repeated each exercise eight times. We repeat this cycle five times a day.
Weekly increases the number of repetitions per exercise in a cycle of four until we reach45 repetitions. We do this type of exercise every day, while the problem of prostatitis is relevant.
Drug therapy
Whether it is possible to take antibiotics for the treatment of chronic prostatitis at home - depends on the specific case.
Individual characteristics of prostate structure, the presence / absence of allergies in the patient, the cause of the disease, its severity play a role. The decision in this case was made by aurologist.
Antibacterial drugs
Antibioticsis the main method of killing bacteria. For the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men at home, a urologist should prescribe medication, he must ensure that he deals with thebacterial form of prostatitis. Otherwise, taking antibiotics will only hurt.
- Usually doctors prescribefluoroquinolonesfor the treatment of bacterial prostatitis. They are distinguished by activity, permeability, action against many types of bacteria; when given orally, it accumulates in the glands.
- Chronic prostatitisis well treated with antibiotics from the tetracycline and macrolide groups.
Fillingrectal suppositoriesduring prostatitis treatment make antibiotics, propolis, antispasmodics, bovine gland components, and other components.
Use ofsuppositorieswith prostatitis eliminates edema, pain, inflammation. With their help, sexual and urinary functions are restored, the development of vascular thrombosis is suppressed, and blood circulation is improved.
Chinese plaster acts on the focus of prostate inflammation by penetrating the drug microparticles through the skin.
This is achieved bynanotechnology. Using it is simple: you need to wash the area around the navel with soap, shave it there, remove the adhesive, and glue it.
After three days, remove and clean the bonding area again. After a day, apply another plaster. The course of treatment for prostatitis is six plasters,24 days. In parallel, you can take antibiotics to increase its effect.
Traditional methods
Folk remedies tested for prostatitis include:
- pumpkin seeds;
- hazel;
- aspen;
- chestnuts;
- propolis;
- pasli.
Bath, sauna

Steaming with chronic prostatitis should becareful. Excessive heat will cause swelling of the prostate gland. Time spent in the steam room, heating, must be strictly regulated.
You should also be careful when relaxing in the steam room.
Finnish scientists have proven that saunas increaselibido, which is sexual desire.
This is in contrast to a normal bath with a temperature of 37 degrees, which, in turn, reduces the movement and volume of sperm.
Sauna has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the prostate gland, increases blood flow in the lower abdomen, enhances immunity. The condition of patients with prostatitis improves if the sauna or bath is combined withdiaphoretic teaor withapple cider vinegar.
In the diet of patients with prostatitis, it is largely inhabited by vegetables and fruits.
- Spices- parsley, mustard, carrot - reduces inflammation, speeds recovery.
- Onion, garlic kills disease-causing bacteria; improve blood circulation, potential.
- Zinc, which is needed for prostate work, is found in seafood: shrimp, algae, crab, fish, shellfish.
A patient with prostatitis shouldavoidsuch foods:
- Alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, tea.
- Fatty, smoked, fried foods.
- Facilities, fast food, grilled food.
- Beans.
- Canned food.
Onedietis not enough for recovery from prostatitis. But its violation will negate the cost of other treatments, neutralizing its effects.
If the disease persists
Ifchronic prostatitisdoes not go away after home treatment, chances are you are not disciplined enough to follow your doctor's recommendations without supervision.
We should do the restraint of freedom that should be hospitalized. But if here you break the rules, expect complications that will inevitably lead to prolonged hospital treatment, possibly with surgery.
Among them:
- vesiculitis;
- gland abscess;
- prostate sclerosis;
- cysts, the result is prostate stones;
- infertility.
Now you know how to treatchronic prostatitisat home. The main thing a patient needs is discipline and adherence to ALL recommendations. It is important to follow a therapeutic regimen, diet, and do not skip procedures.
Remember thatpopular folk remediesare just an addition to official medical methods, their use should also be coordinated with the therapist.