In and of itself, the prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatic hyperplasia). The gland located below the bladder, which prevents the opening of the urethra. And, the less the inflammation, the prostate gland starts to increase, so peredelyvala urinary channel. As a result of it will cause problems with walk-in closet, and a strong pain. Often, prostatitis is manifested in the males after 30 to 35 years of age. About 80% of the older men, to a certain extent, suffer from the disease. So, now it is 30% of the young people of the face of the 20-to 30-who are affected by this disease. In this article, we will describe it in detail: how to correctly identify the early symptoms of prostatitis, it is exactly how to diagnose the disease, and what you should be doing in the first place, after the confirmation of the diagnosis.

The signs of the development of prostatitis
As is evidenced by the prostatitis? Usually, the medical doctors stand out of the 6 signs pointed to prostatitis. If the man has noticed at least 2 of the characteristic from the list, then it's not necessarily, you should contact your health care provider:
- Weakly downward-sloping to the stream of the urine, with a small range;
- The obstruction of the moments when you urinate;
- The painful phenomena in the process of urinating;
- The duration of urine, spilled urine, intermittency of the stream;
- The partial emptying of the bladder;
- A frequent need to urinate, especially at night.
The doctor will always be able to recognize the first symptoms of prostatitis in the male, and the treatment following the diagnosis is carried out in a timely manner with a positive outcome.
The causes of the pathology.
Experts talk about root causes educational disease:
- The weakness of the it can increase the immunity are reduced by the barriers of protection to prevent the occurrence of short stories from many of the viral infections;
- The infectious process against the elements, germs, bacteria, blood or lymphatic pathways coming into the prostate gland. The characteristic feature of this phenomenon is the temperature when the prostatitis increases;
- A sedentary lifestyle – leading to failures in the supply of blood, loss of oxygen;
- Faults in the movement due to a period of stagnation in the genital area is due to a lifetime of sexual exercise, of a long abstinence from sexual relations, bumpy sexual intercourse.
The inflammatory phenomena in the prostate gland, can occur due to the penetration of germs, but it to the development of infections needs to pathogenic microflora, which may be created due to the following factors: – the presence of a harmful addiction, the prison of the body, hormonal failure, trauma, hypothermia, etc.
In the main, the same causes of prostatitis in men, it can also be referred to as:
- Hormonal disorders — is there a version of the enhanced increase of testosterone.
- This unfavorable way, it affects the tissue of the prostate, causing it to expand, and inflammation. It is no less dangerous, and insufficient hormone levels, and the weakening of the urinary function.
- A violation of status and immune response when the body works "at the boundary", are reduced by the protective function. He will not be able to resist the bacteria and viruses that try to invade it from the outside world, or not, to deal with the outbreak of cases of chronic.
- The sex life — the macho man, that has an irregular relationship, and intimate suffers from with the stagnation of the phenomena that lead to inflammation.
- Wrong-it is a tactica sexual contact — it is not a secret that a lot of couples as a method of birth control they practice to interrupt the sexual act. They are not, therefore, prevent the full flow of the semen. In addition to this, the result of the PAP disrupted the movement of the outflow and blood, and who were active in the running the of the pelvic organs, and helps maintain a full erection.
- A sedentary life-style for both men leads to a stagnation phenomenon.
- The urethral the flow is in the middle of the-existence-of-injury to the urethra. When a violation of a representation of the feedback from the output of the urine, part of it is in a seed path, and there is a bacterial infection of the prostate gland.
- The breach-of-food-ways in the dieting that is present in the food is harmful, with a predominance of animal fats, and lacking in proteins and fibers, which affects the hormones and the fulfilling of the work of the intestine.
- By the enthusiasm of the physical exercise, in particular the application of the steroids.
- Hypothermia leads to a decrease in it can increase the immunity and development of pathogenic flora.
- The widespread sex-life — increase-the-risk-of-sexually-transmitted diseases. A sexually transmitted infection in men will often escape to the hidden, to the beat of the prostate tissue. According to the survey, 78% of the cases, the cause of the inflammation, either directly or indirectly, they are trichomonas, chlamydia, giardinelli, gonorrhea.

The prostate gland has its own mechanism of self-protection, she yields up the secret that it has a phytoncide. But if you are aggressive and pathogenic factors, can't handle the load and burn. The men of active reproductive age (18-50 years of age) are more often found with a prostatitis. In the middle ages, the main causes of prostatitis if you make it a lifestyle, inactivity, hypothermia, and transient sex life. It was during this period that the acute process of the symptoms that you do not pay attention, did not start out with the right treatment, you have the chance to go to the chronicle. For men who are over the age of 50 years is characteristic of three of the pathological process in the prostate:chronic prostatitis, the adenoma, adenocarcinoma. In this case, it is shown in the surgical management of a complex with a hormone therapy, and other methods.
The symptoms of the pathology.
As is evidenced by the prostatitis? Important symptoms that indicate the occurrence of reported prostatitis – hard, the process of urinating, sensation of pain at the moment. Frequent urges to is the emptying of the urinary bladder in small portions, showing the development of the disease. In the initial phase of the disease may be asymptomatic. The acute Form of the disease, to determine the a lot more easy for the manifestation of the disease is always sudden, abrupt. It must be considered that the leakage of this disease is due to the individual characteristics of the organism of each person.
Include all of the following symptoms of an inflammation of the prostate gland:
- The sensation of pain in the perineal region;
- In the process of bowel movements, accompanied by painful crises,
- Violation of of of of power;
- Frequent urination;
- The general ill-being.
- The sense of overcrowding in the bladder;
- Excretory phenomena of the urethra during bowel movements.
The pain from the attacks, to the development of the disease
The pain of the prostatitis, the men are characterized by the precise location you want. In the absence of a process for the treatment of pain, the attacks will increase, spread to other sexual organs. When the running occurs in the development of the acute phase of the disease, and pituitary adenomas. Regular, painful crises, leading to an uncomfortable life style, the development of a neurosis in the male, it decreases the quality of life.
Typically, the pain occur in the following situations:
- In the process of urinating;
- During the time of the erection;
- When the sexual contact;
- At the conclusion of a sexual relationship;
- In the process of bowel movements;
- Due to the long period of abstinence or, on the contrary, the random sexual intercourse
- After you have a cold;
On the front cover of the water-proof lower back starts to ache, when the disease if it develops outside of the prostate gland. The pain of the attack, or stupid, or suddenly. Due to the neglect of the pathology of the feeling of pain, it is able to last for a very long time. Also, the conditions in the area of the prostate gland, are characterized by obtuse, irregular or painful crisis, in the region of the groin, rarely in the lower leg.
The resolution of pain is possible, thanks to one of the following ways:

- The massage of the prostate gland;
- The herbal treatment;
- Hormonal methods of curing pathology;
- A special diets for the normalization of the status of a person;
- An Anti-methods for the solution of the interfering elements;
- The use of blockers to oblegchenno effect on your health.
The symptoms of prostatitis, acute
- The high-temperature.
- A sharp pain in the groin, in the region of the groin, about the pubis;
- The pain when urinating;
- Poor general well-being;
- The reduction in power, and Mr.
In chronic prostatitis the clinical picture is more likely to be deleted. The symptoms can be absent in general. Therefore, in this case, the decisive role belongs to the preventive inspections, which are designed to identify the start of the inflammation of the prostate gland.
The symptoms of chronic prostatitis
- The emerging and fast enough to get the pain in the groin, in the region of the groin, about the pubis;
- A decrease in sex drive (libido);
- The change in the duration of sexual intercourse and, in some cases, rapid ejaculation, and of others in a significant increase in sexual intercourse);
- The changes in the character of the sensations of sex decrease in the brightness of the orgasm);
- The appearance of a discharge from the urethra, especially in the morning (prostatorrhea).
The diagnostic measures
Your doctor will look for signs of prostatitis in men and the treatment, you will be assigned to you. In order to determine a prostatitis it is necessary to consult a urologist who will perform a physical exam, and prescribe any other major diagnostic procedures:
- Medical examination of the development of the full clinical picture of the;
- The decision of the examinations of the urine;
- Specimens for detection of sexually transmitted diseases;
- The detection of the presence or absence of an infection, it's taken a swab from the urethra;
- We look at the progress the game;
- Ultrasound of the organs in the body;
- Urography;
- Biopsy – when there is a suspicion of cancer research.

Methods for treating prostatitis
From that point, explaining, and talking about this is the pathology? After you have made the diagnosis of the disease, the doctor to determine the treatment plan for the condition, and is often used in a broad-based approach, including the following:
- Therapeutic agents the methods of the expert to assign the course to the intake of the medicines, or antibiotics to eliminate the damaging of the nutrients, which has led to the prostatitis. Also, they do lower the temperature.
- The physiological exposure to, for example, with a laser, ultrasonic waves from the oscillation of electromagnetic energy.
- They are used in the popular methods in the treatment of a hot-house treatments, herbal and medicinal;
- It is made up of a massage in the area of the prostate gland – it releases the duct from the stagnant phenomena, increase the supply of blood to all the organs in the body;
- Herbal medicine the use of herbal pills helpful in herbal medicines, dietary supplements, and help strengthen the immune system, fight infection;
- Psychotherapeutic ways for the cause of the prostatitis, the men are developing psychological problems, negative and lost confidence are the fears during sexual intercourse;
- The techniques of surgical treatment when they are on the run-and-heavy stage of the development of the disease, such as, for example, abscess of the prostate gland;
- To correct the immune system – your doctor may to assign the right vitamins and minerals help vitamin d to strengthen you can increase the immunity of the patient.
- Well-balanced, proper diet, or to prostatitis, and the rejection of alcohol, smoking, fatty foods, limit salt intake, and drink more plain water at least 2 liters a day.
At the end of a developed treatment of prostatitis, you can receive a number of complications, which is characterized by:
- obstruction of the urinary bladder, with a latency of urination requiring use of surgery and types of treatment;
- the transition of prostatitis acute and chronic of the intestine to the stream;
- the development of some form of male infertility;
- recurrent interstitial;
- the contraction or scarring of the urethra;
- pyelonephritis, other causes kidney disease;
- abscess of the prostate gland that requires surgical intervention;
- sepsis, life-threatening to the patient, the more likely a patient with a low it can boost immunity, diabetes, renal failure).
It is important for you to know! The condition can lead to cancer of the prostate (signed by 7% of men over 50 years of age), which will seriously decrease the life of a man, and you will complete it until the death.
From then on, you may have the disease
Prostatitis is of various types, certain of the causes of the disease.
The major factors that trigger the occurrence of reports of prostatitis, as follows:

- The time of infection. The bacteria can get into the prostate in different ways and in different ways. The young men who have had sex without contraception (condoms), have a high risk for the disease due to the penetration of pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasmas, and PR.). In addition, the incidence of reported prostatitis occurs as a result of any of the built-in chronic illness. Harmful bacteria to reach the blood stream from the lymph or the blood. Pathological micro-organisms may also "go down" into the prostate gland to the urethra. So, the disease PRbaziruetsya diseases of the urinary system (urethritis, pyelonephritis) when it is relaxed, it can enhance immunity.
- Locked the processes. They arise when the obesity, and sedentary life-style, as well as the micro-circulation of blood in the pelvic organs disturbed. The prostate gland as a result of this, it is not a question of the amount of oxygen and nutrients.
- On the injury. Due to the mechanical damage of the tissue and of the pelvic organs (WTO) may result in the congestion trigger an inflammatory process. In these cases it is common among truck drivers because of the professional activities related to the long deadlines in a sedentary state, and the constant trauma of the chair, knocking the public sector.
In the opinion of the doctors. The urologists are unsure what prostatitis is not a diagnosis. If the treatment did not give satisfactory result, then the man should not give up and you have to think about it, once again, it is absolutely all the requirements. Only the collective efforts of the physician and the patient, confident in the success of the therapy, and help people feel healthier, and, therefore, in its own right.