Diet for prostatitis is one of the important stages in the treatment of the disease. By following the principles of nutritional nutrition, patients can significantly reduce the intensity of painful symptoms. To do this, he needs to release many products that fall into the category of prohibited foods. The diet for prostatitis should be balanced. Preference is given to products rich in vitamins, vegetable proteins and fiber.
Basic principles of nutrition for prostatitis

Prostatitis is characterized by inflammation of the prostate gland. The disease brings the patient pain in the groin area, significantly reducing the quality of life.
It is impossible to cure prostatitis on your own. To combat the disease effectively, you should contact a urologist who will compile a list of medications needed based on a thorough diagnosis.
If there is no timely treatment, the disease enters a chronic stage, and then it will be more difficult to get rid of it.
However, standard prostatitis therapy is not solely based on medication intake. Part of the treatment in this case is a healthy diet, which involves the exclusion of the consumption of foods harmful for prostatitis. It should be understood that some meals can worsen symptoms, and are therefore considered prohibited for people suffering from prostatitis.
The menu is created on a case -by -case basis. But nevertheless, there are general principles of diet and lifestyle for prostatitis, which should be followed regardless of the manifestations of prostatitis. Let's consider them in more detail:
- completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
- diet should be supplemented with walking and exercise;
- daily diet should exclude the use of semi -finished products, preservatives and spices;
- you should also reject spicy, salty, smoked and fried foods;
- preference is given to dishes prepared by boiling, boiling, baking;
- you should develop a diet for prostatitis, eat at the same time;
- diet should include vegetables, vegetable salads;
- complete rejection of fatty foods is necessary;
- vegetables and fruits before eating should be subjected to minimal heat treatment;
- sweets should be limited;
- the menu is compiled taking into account the phase of exacerbation of prostatitis;
- it is advisable to eat vegetables and vegetable salads.
Experts have proven adverse effects on the pelvic organs of preservatives, hot spices and semi -finished products. Irregular diet with prostatitis can contribute to circulatory disorders in the organs. Frequent alcohol consumption can trigger the appearance of edema and increase the inflammatory process.
Products that are forbidden to eat

What not to eat with prostatitis in men? With the worsening of the disease, it is very important to eat regularly, choosing only the most nutritious and healthy foods. From the diet should be excluded dishes that can cause recurrence of the disease and exacerbate its course. Moreover, the rejection of semi-finished products, snacks and pickles will take more than a month.
Consider foods for prostatitis that are forbidden to use, regardless of the specific diet:
- lard and goat fat;
- spicy seasonings and spices;
- fatty and fried, as well as salty dishes;
- jams, sweets and pastries;
- legumes, because they contain fiber (beans, peas, beans, lentils);
- rich soups and fatty meats;
- intestines;
- sausages, smoked meats and pickles;
- carbonated beverages and any mineral water;
- mushrooms in any form and dishes based on it;
- fish, game, fatty meats;
- dill, radish, spinach and sorrel.
Canned foods, fatty and spicy foods can trigger the development of strong inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. For the same reason, fatty soups and pastries should be excluded from the diet. Such foods are not used for prostatitis.
Smoked and fried foods should be replaced with steamed and boiled when possible. Vegetables that cause increased gas formation should also be excluded from the daily diet. With the presence of severe bloating, blood stasis may occur in the pelvic organs, which will negatively affect the course of the disease.
What drinks to avoid

In addition to forbidden foods, there are also drinks that should be avoided by men with prostatitis. Otherwise, the disease can get worse.
Therefore, doctors recommend their patients to abstain from the following drinks:
- beer, wine and other beverages containing alcohol (recommended not to reduce consumption, but to reject completely);
- strong tea and coffee (preferably replaced with fruit drinks and compotes, as well as rosehip decoctions);
- any carbonated beverages;
- juices and store -bought juice drinks (due to preservative content);
- any type of mineral water is also prohibited.
After checking the patient’s health condition, the specialist may allow him to use some of the above drinks. However, you must not violate your own medical recommendations. This can lead to very unfavorable consequences.
For the effective treatment of prostatitis, a man should stop drinking alcohol, as such drinks have a negative effect on the whole body. For the prostate gland, in this case, alcohol has the following negative effects:
- reducing the body's protective function;
- promotes the formation of stagnant processes in the prostate;
- causing sexual dysfunction;
- due to alcohol abuse, violation of the secretion of the prostate gland is possible;
- the amount of hormones secreted decreases.
It should be understood that in addition to the negative effects on the prostate, alcoholic beverages can inhibit the action of antibiotic drugs. For this reason, treatment will not give the desired effect.
The second place in terms of harm is occupied by beverages such as strong coffee and tea. The fact is that they contribute to circulatory disorders, as a result of which failure occurs in the work of the prostate. The negative effects on the prostate gland in this case are expressed in the following aspects:
- difficulty in eliminating the inflammatory process;
- irritating effects on the urinary tract;
- increased inflammation.
Approved Products

Since malnutrition can cause the disease to recur again, it is very important to choose the right diet, which should contain only healthy foods. Many people worry that dieting will cause them to abandon their favorite foods. In other words, it will be so, but the diet for chronic prostatitis is not too strict, and therefore everyone can find a dish to their liking.
The daily diet for the most part should consist of cereals, sour milk drinks and vegetables. Consider a list of products that are useful for prostatitis:
- light chicken soup and vegetable soup;
- low -fat boiled chicken or fish;
- whole grain cereals cooked in milk or water;
- vegetable oils (sunflower and olive);
- milk and its based products;
- berries and dried fruits;
- vegetables (tomatoes, beets, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, etc. );
- whole grain bread, bran;
- horseradish, mustard;
- fruits;
- shallots and garlic;
- nuts and seeds;
- lean meats (beef, rabbit);
- seafood;
- horseradish and mustard.
A large number of vitamins and minerals needed for the body are found in berries and fruits. Especially many of them are found in citrus fruits. Dairy products are rich in protein, which is very useful for prostatitis. Cereals contain fiber, and meat is a valuable source of natural fat. Seafood is rich in zinc and selenium, and thanks to regular consumption of vegetables, you can compensate for the lack of carbohydrates and vitamins in the body. However, what is useful for prostatitis, and what should be discarded, is decided by the doctor.
You should remember the basic rules of nutrition for prostatitis, which is a complete ban on smoking and frying. Foods with prostatitis are boiled, steamed and boiled.
It is not recommended to burn vegetables in deep fat or batter. It is better to give preference to steam cuts, casserole and salads. Delicious and healthy will be a dish cooked in the oven. You can add a little vegetable oil to meat and vegetables.
Nutritional features in acute and chronic prostatitis

Usually for each patient there are two types of diet:
- The first is intended to eat in case of deterioration. This is a more rigid diet for prostatitis in men, which completely excludes the consumption of such foods and dishes that can trigger the development of complications.
- The second dietary option for prostatitis in men is valid during recurrence of the disease. In this case, it all depends on the patient's condition. With a long and stable remission, the specialist can allow the patient to periodically include some foods from the prohibited list in the daily diet. However, this should be done according to a specific scheme.
If the patient's condition worsens during nutrition with prostatitis according to the second option, then he should contact a specialist as soon as possible. Most likely, she will need to adjust her daily diet, returning to a more rigid diet for chronic prostatitis in men.
Regardless of the stage of manifestation of the disease, experts advise their patients to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Eat small meals 5-6 times a day.
- Expand your diet by eating at the same time.
- Exclude "snacks" and "dry foods".
Prostatitis is a serious and dangerous disease that can significantly worsen a patient’s quality of life. Therefore, one should not ignore medical recommendations on nutrition for prostatitis in men. A balanced diet is the basis for effective disease fighting.