He's 30 years old, and the man may experience problems in the functioning of the prostate gland, and you will have to find ways, such as the prostate gland is treated. The experts do not recommend doing this, because there is a greater risk of developing complications and worsening of the situation. The lack of timely, appropriate treatment not only causes discomfort to the patient, but it can also be the cause of the disturbance is more serious.

The disease can occur in acute and chronic form.
- A patient with prostatitis alarming, and is clearly expressed in the symptoms, the treatment should be immediate, and it is usually done in the hospital.
- Chronic prostatitis is much more common in men of mature age (over 45 years of age or older). It features the most sluggish in the course of the symptoms will manifest themselves is not so great, however, to ignore the disease, resulting in a benign prostatic hypertrophy of the prostate gland.
The prostate gland is treated, the need to start immediately after the detection of the early signs of the disease.
Types of treatment for prostatitis
Patients who prefer to self-medication, you run the risk of facing more and more problems, and therefore, it is very best to conquer her shame, and fear, and seek medical attention. And how, in the absence of the knowledge of the physician, the patient can try to identify the factors that have led to the development of the disease. For the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the tissues of the prostate gland is different in that, as well, and at the event.
- The acute for the disease is to immediately prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulatory tools, prescription drugs, to eliminate the edema and normalization of urine output;
- If it's the prostatitis that occurs in a chronic form, then you should treat it with the help of antibiotics and massage.
If the disease you're running, your doctor may prescribe an operational intervention. Have a positive influence on the state of the prostate gland, folk remedies, such as feeding of the procedure, the diet and the exercise.
Medical therapy
In order to effectively cure your prostatitis, you can't do without the drugs. If the disease occur in the chronic form, without the complications and exacerbations, it is inappropriate to keep a patient in the hospital. The doctor attributes it to the medication required, and sends them to be dealt with in the house. At home, he / she is under an obligation to implement the recommendations of the doctor, taking prescription medications, exercising regularly, consult a doctor so that he / she has the opportunity to observe the progress of the disease. The independent expert recommends that the points and explaining and talking about disease and, depending on the cause. In men under the age of 20 to 40 years of age, which is the most common of the prostatitis infection. It is inappropriate to factor in are the pathogens that enter the tissue of the prostate gland and contributes to the development of the inflammatory process. Particularly at risk of the bacteria in immune-compromised patients, and therefore, you will need to take care of your health in a continuous way, and not only when the disease is already at a stage of development.
You can't actually cure the prostatitis, without the use of anti-bacterial drugs, whether it is caused by the action of the pathogenic micro-organism. The drugs that are fighting the bacteria, eliminating the root cause of the disease. Do not prescribe antibiotics, in this case, the disease is a stagnation of nature. The drugs adversely affect the harmful bacteria, they eat at all, resulting in a decrease in the intensity of the inflammatory process, and the status of the normal tissues, and the symptoms of the disease. Doctors often recommend explaining and talking points for the inflammation of the prostate gland with the help of medications. The medications from the group of antibiotics are most effective when ostrom prostatitis. Its active components to quickly fall directly into the shed with a flash, have a bactericidal action, resulting in the patient's condition improves, the cardiovascular disease is on the decline. The chronic form of the current prescription drugs along with various other features. So the medications from the group of antibiotics-and tetracycline.
The hormone tools
Recently, in view of the positive side of the established drugs with hormone, they also can be points, explaining and talking about disease of the prostate gland. It works on two fronts: to reduce the severity of symptoms and to restore erectile function in men. They can be used just as prescribed by your doctor. The use of the drug is not appointed, it can cause serious complications for the patient.
Prostatitis, as well as a number of other diseases, takes place in the middle of the low, you can boost immunity. To make it larger for a short period of time, it is not enough to "normalize" the diet, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Here is a need for more radical methods to way, the quick and effective standard would be to the patient's immune system. Without the strengthening, can increase the immunity and cure the prostatitis, it is almost impossible, therefore, for the patient it is prescribed, immunostimulatory drugs of abuse.
The spark plugs
The drugs are filtered out by the liver and excreted by the kidneys, and for this reason, all of the organs that suffer the most from the active ingredients of the drug. To reduce the negative impact on the body, in addition to the drugs for oral administration, is prescribed also in suppositories rectal. At the pharmacy, a very large number of such methods. These may include the composition of the components of the action, which seeks to counter, by micro-organisms, the painful sensations and inflammation, and may be based on solely natural make up that will effectively work on your body and improve your condition. The medication has a positive effect on the state of the prostate gland, helps to reduce the swelling, and the resolution of the inflammatory process, to promote the site, can enhance the immunity and resistance of your own body. As a result of the use of suppository is a normal urination, leave the pain sensation.
This technique is proven to be effective. The essence of it is that you need, so explaining and talking points to inflammation as the infection of the blood. The procedure is not very pleasant, but it helps you to cope more effectively with all the signs of the disease, and to improve the general health of the patient. The result is to stimulate the supply of blood to the patients, the organs, they are shown all of the harmful substances, to reduce the inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Place to give you should be not just the first time. The treatment consists of five sessions, the major difference between the two, which should be a minimum of 4 days. The use of hirudotherapy, is the following:
- In the saliva, blood contains a large amount of nutrients that arrive to the patient body to men.
- Stimulates the circulation of the blood.
- The volume of blood that circulates through the inflamed area is reduced.
Hirudotherapy is useful and other diseases as well. Not just any man, out of the points, explaining, and speaking of prostatitis infection of the blood, however, nothing wrong with that, it's not even painful, just annoying.
Folk remedies
The tool is in folk medicine, they also demonstrate its ability to thanks, for the cure of prostatitis. Folk proven methods and experience, and from time to time. They are efficient enough, they just have it as part of the adjuvant therapy may be used for the prevention of the disease. Some of the popular medications have contraindications and can otherwise be harmful to the patient, so before you do anything, you should consult with your doctor. So, unlike income support to men.
- Game.
The seeds of this Gorodovoy a culture to contain a large amount of zinc. Its absence causes not only development of prostatitis, but the other, a purely male problem. You need to eat only 30 pieces, in order to compensate for the lack of zinc in the body.
- The propolis.
It has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic action. It is best to buy honey in the light of a candle, and found them rectally with a frequency of two times per day. The course of treatment is three weeks.
- The bite of honey bees.
With this technique, you must use it with extreme caution, as well as the non-fulfilment of the precautionary measures could harm the patient. A person with no experience in the industry of the bee can hardly cope with this difficult task, it is necessary for the bees to get to the hot spot. Prostatitis – is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, which requires additional time, the effective treatment. Let the issue not be left to chance. With the onset of the first symptoms, you should consult with your doctor. When it is acute, or running on to the chronic form of the patient's stay in the hospital. In other cases, it is possible to do the treatment at home. It doesn't matter how effective, were not the folk alone, they have not been able to cope with the problem. Don't forget that self-medication is hazardous to one's health. Only a specialist can determine the cause and nature of the disease, after which they will prescribe the medicines, and you should be able to handle it. One of the most important steps in the repair and maintenance of men's health — the treatment of prostatitis in the home. At home treatment to help you deal with the problem. However, it is not worth the trouble, and at the same time to disregard qualified medical assistance. First, you will need to obtain a medical examination, medical examinations, and to identify the causes of the failure, then, is to get rid of a prostatitis it will be easier for you.
How to understand your man's prostatitis
Of course, the diagnosis is put on the expert, however, there are some signs that should alert you to the man. If they are, then it's worth it to pay attention to his or her health, and, best of all, you immediately go to a urologist. The diagnosis of prostatitis in the home is to "not see" the first stirrings of concern. Prostatitis acute, it is not, but it is far more likely to be a chronic form of the disease that develops slowly increased with the gradual build up of events.
The first symptoms of prostatitis
- The feeling of discomfort in the groin and in the genital area,
- An increase in the frequency of urges to urinate,
- Disorders of sexual.
When the deterioration of the state, to increase the sensation of pain may increase, and that has been the most active symptoms.
- pain in the lower part of the belly
- painful urination,
- a significant decline in erection
- overall if you feel unwell,
- the increase in the temperature of the body.
After a trip to the doctor, the man needs to get through a a diagnosis and to get to your destination. The faster you solve the problem with the help of the drug treatment of prostatitis, is more effective when you use a proven home methods to. A urologist will always indicate to the patient as well as for the treatment of prostatitis in the home, and suggest actions that should be taken. When the nature of an infectious disease is assigned treatment of prostatitis with antibiotics, if the cause of the steel in stagnant phenomenon, and then, the main efforts are directed to eliminate them.
As the prostate gland is treated in the house
The methods of treatment of prostatitis in the home require the use of short stories, the recipes, the basis of herbal medicine, massage, and exercises, which help you to deal with the illness and improve the health of men. It is important to understand what is the home treatment of prostatitis is possible only when there are complications in the forms, or often recurring attacks of the illness are in need of greater attention and more serious steps to be taken.
Recipes, studio offers support for the flowering of the
The treatment of prostatitis for men at home, based on the popular recipes, it will help you to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve the process of urination, as well as to improve tone your body and increase your resistance to illness. In folk medicine, it helps to combat the prostatitis!
Pumpkin seeds in the treatment of prostatitis
The seeds of the pumpkin are used for the treatment of prostatitis more than a century. Its healing action is due to the maintenance of a large number of this sv, such as zinc. The male body needs a day, there's a zinc in your body, it will help you keep and maintain your health. The method used in the dry, but it is not deep-fried, the seeds of the pumpkin. They need to clean up the shell and eat it. The treatment is usually enough for a pound of seed. That is, the course is going to last until it's going to end, "the remedy". If you repeat these courses on an annual basis, the risk of a worsening of the chronic prostatitis is significantly reduced. Every day, you need to eat 30 seeds from the pumpkin. Do it before you eat it, the rush is not worth it, and they must be thoroughly chewed.The seeds from the pumpkin is stripped flow through a meat grinder, and add to it the 200 grams of honey. All is well, busy, and trip balls the size of walnuts. For the treatment of chronic prostatitis every day, and eat 2 of these with the ball. As in the previous case, to use before eating, drinking, and chewing it carefully.
Recipes for absinthe
Wormwood is an herb, with which you can handle almost any infection, including the greatnow. How you can cure prostatitis absinthe? It is best to carry a full course, which includes a reception desk, to the inside of the cooking liquid, and rinse the urethra. You need about 100 grams of dried artemisia, who's manager is in your hands as you can to reduce, and sifted in a sieve. A small fraction is used for the ingestion of the dried form, the large ones, to the stock from which they do microclysters, and the wash of the bowel to the urethra. , You will have a double impact on the body, and that it is clean, the agents of infection, which leads to a disruption of the inflammatory process. The treatment is continued a week. The droughts of the planet, regardless of the food, take a pull on the inside, sprinkled it with water. Each and every day, in the evening, they do microclysters, and the washing of the urethra with the previous one.
Decoction to mikroklizm with a shower are as follows. A teaspoon of it with a blade of dried herbs in there, pour in a pint of boiling water. After cooling to 400C is in the filter paper. For each and every procedure you're going to need 50 ml of the cooking liquid. With the help of the honey they produce to injection into the anus, and the urethra. Injection into the penis to produce dramatically for the liquid oxygen that has progressed as far as you can. For each step, you will need to use a syringe. Wormwood is a medicinal plant, which is a huge variety of things, so prior to treatment you should consult with a physician and it is necessary to take into account all of the characteristics of such a therapy. During the treatment, do not smoke, drink alcohol. Perhaps it is the worsening of other chronic diseases, and any deterioration in the general well-being.