author Стефан



  • Pumpkin seeds with prostatitis effectively relieve unpleasant symptoms. We offer folk recipes from pumpkin seeds and oils for oral and rectal intake.
    11 February 2022
  • Is it possible to have sex with prostatitis, you need to ask your doctor. Often sex with prostatitis is contraindicated. Treatment and prevention of prostatitis, male reviews.
    8 February 2022
  • What is prostatitis, general information about the disease. Factors and causes that influence the development of the disease. Signs and symptoms of prostatitis. How is this disease treated?
    8 August 2021
  • Developmental causes and predisposing factors, symptoms of prostatitis in men. How and how to treat this disease: recipes for folk remedies and effective exercise. Prevention of pathological development.
    25 March 2021
  • Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, the breast, the prostate gland, an organ that plays an important role in the maintenance and care of the sexual health of a male.
    2 March 2020
  • Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland is called prostate gland. The prostate gland is a small part of the reproductive organs of male. Even with enough time for a proper treatment, more than half of the patients, with the result that it becomes chronic prostatitis.
    1 January 2020